Double-checking the directions, he measured carefully. Should he cover the pot? Damn, he missed her. He watched the water boil away, finally turning the burner…
Tag: microfiction
Evonne moans into her wine. “I can’t make my rent this month. It’s so unfair.” She looks pointedly at the check then pulls the latest…
Miriam lay in a puddle of cold urine. The pain disappeared in numbness. A sound at the door roused her and she moaned. John knelt…
“Hey, that’s my soda.” She glared at her brother. He drained the glass. “Not anymore.” His nose would explode when her fist– No, better not.…
Miriam’s refrigerator was empty and the last nonperishables were gone. Calling her son got only that blasted answer machine. Again. “John, I’m out of food.…
“Sprite, iced tea, orange juice?” My sister enjoys being a bitch. “Allergies, remember?” Damn citrus. I never should’ve come. “What’s for dinner?” “Salmon in lemon.”…
Terror grabbed my lungs in its sweaty fist and squeezed. No stick curved like that thing in the sand. A bite from a venomous viper…
The shadow across her book turned Ruth’s fingers to lead. “It isn’t seemly.” Father ripped the book from her. “Come.” Head bowed, she followed two…
The untried Firedog stands between village and inferno, testing the wind. At his signal, arrows ignite brush piled beyond the cleared swathe. Wind-fueled flames speed…
The Offer Sign this contract and they could go home–no more shitty apartments. Play the dutiful wife in public. The kids get the benefits of…