I don’t think I’m the ideal reader for The Tiger’s Tale. The main character didn’t appeal to me that much and I felt a bit disconnected from not having read the earlier books in the series. I’m not really sure why I didn’t much like her, but I wasn’t able to immerse myself like I usually am.
The mystery itself was okay, but I kept wondering why someone who seemed a key suspect to me kept being ignored. And I was right that that was a bad idea.
I suspect other readers will take more joy in the which guy should she choose thing than I did. I just kept feeling like she was playing with the one at least as much as she thought the other was playing with her.
Finally, if you’re a reader who, like me, is jolted out of the story by copious italics, this isn’t a good choice. But I’m sure more normal readers really don’t notice like I do.
Overall, this book ends up on a low 3 for me. I’m sure many will disagree and rate it higher.
Note: I chose to download this book from NetGalley for review purposes. As I reviewed an ARC, some changes may have been made before final publication.